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The start to a new adventure at ACC

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Exciting News! I received a phone call from Dr. Temple Grandin today (July 26th). For those that don't know me well, I have admired and looked up to Temple for many years since my adventure began in the Autism field 10 plus years ago.  


I have listened to her speak on many different occasions and have read several of her books.  I often make mention and use her books when working with my families.


One of the many things I have learned and heard several times from her is how she learned so much in the 1950's from sitting around her dinner table. She says to this day she still remembers those lessons and how valuable they were and continue to be for her. 


During today's call I told her she is the inspiration behind the new pilot program that ACC is going to offer beginning in the fall: The Dinner Club. Dr. Grandin was immediately on board and full of questions. We began talking about the goals, methods, and the importance of dinner table chats. I asked directly how I explain this to clients, their families, and other professionals and she immediately said without hesitation " teachable moments in the real world." She shared to stop the worry about the specific method I will use to teach and focus on the natural teachable moments that will occur within the environment. She reassured me that these moments will occur naturally and become so powerful for the individuals involved. My hope is to teach within the moments, create connections, and provide experiences within the community.  


Thank you Dr. Temple Grandin for all you do for the Autism Community. Your support means the world to me.


Dinner Club:


When: The Second Saturday of every month- Beginning in September

Where: Restaurants around the Mooresville/Statesville/Davidson area

Age: 18 and older (able to come alone, or be dropped off and picked up by a caregiver)

Payment: responsible pay for their meal.  

Club Fee: TBD

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